MJ :-): resting man
MJ :-): orange
MJ :-): surfing in red
MJ :-): reflections and colour
MJ :-): cat-napped
MJ :-): construction at the Tate Modern
MJ :-): a day at the Tate modern
MJ :-): Reggae man!
MJ :-): Cambridge bridges
MJ :-): beach
MJ :-): Punting in Cambridge
MJ :-): wheel of Brighton
MJ :-): bike courier - Soho
MJ :-): no smoking
MJ :-): walking with dinosaurs
MJ :-): Castlerigg Stone Circle - Lake District
MJ :-): rainbow by Derwent Water - Keswick
MJ :-): red cranes
MJ :-): Ice cream and the Tower Bridge
MJ :-): walking in thirds
MJ :-): man with the bag
MJ :-): the man and the pink hat
MJ :-): street cleaning
MJ :-): chairs, colour and shadows
MJ :-): the garage
MJ :-): london street
MJ :-): abstract - rule of thirds
MJ :-): red and yellow in the rain
MJ :-): the black box