Miz. Dee: New Moleskine
Miz. Dee: Lesson 3 and beginning of 4
Miz. Dee: Lesson #3 ...Finding and painting Abstract shapes
Miz. Dee: Back to Basics...Day after Thanksgiving
Miz. Dee: Lesson 3 in Sketching Now
Miz. Dee: A double duty sketch
Miz. Dee: A double duty sketch
Miz. Dee: Last of Lesson 2
Miz. Dee: #53 and spot to spot drawing....very, very slowly
Miz. Dee: Sketching Now and # 50 of 75
Miz. Dee: Today's sketches
Miz. Dee: Part one of First Assignment
Miz. Dee: Same objects
Miz. Dee: Same objects \washed in water and watercolor.
Miz. Dee: Warm Color Chart
Miz. Dee: More Exploring
Miz. Dee: Testing watercolor pencils
Miz. Dee: Lesson One..Sketching Foundations by Liz Steel
Miz. Dee: Lesson 4....
Miz. Dee: Assignment for Lesson 4
Miz. Dee: 75 day challenge..# 68
Miz. Dee: Lesson 4....last exercises for Volume
Miz. Dee: Lesson 5 exercises
Miz. Dee: Lesson 5 Assignment
Miz. Dee: Lesson 5 SNF
Miz. Dee: Lesson #5 SNFoundations
Miz. Dee: Lesson 6
Miz. Dee: Lesson 6 Different settings trial
Miz. Dee: Lesson week #7
Miz. Dee: Set up for Lesson 7