Miz. Dee: EDM #1 Draw a window
Miz. Dee: EDM #2 Draw a knife or blade
Miz. Dee: ED in May # 3 Draw an umbrella
Miz. Dee: EDin M #4 Draw your thumb
Miz. Dee: EDM Every Day in May #5
Miz. Dee: EDM#6 Some thing someone has handed down to you
Miz. Dee: EDM#7 Draw a Microwave
Miz. Dee: EDM Every Day in May #8 Something with a mirror image
Miz. Dee: EDM Every Day in May #9 Draw a Shadow
Miz. Dee: EDM in May #10...Draw something that is cracked
Miz. Dee: EDM in May #11 Draw something inspired by a blog or the internet
Miz. Dee: EDM in May #12 Draw a shelf and something on it
Miz. Dee: EDM in May # 13 Something that has a shell or a sea shell
Miz. Dee: EDM in May # 14 Draw a glass of juice
Miz. Dee: EDM in May #15 Draw a cookie
Miz. Dee: EDM in May #16 A stapler
Miz. Dee: EDM in May # 17 Draw a soap dish or bottle of soap
Miz. Dee: EDM in May # 18 Something you have to polish.
Miz. Dee: EDM in May # 19 A rope
Miz. Dee: EDM in May #20 Draw a fork ( mine is plastic)
Miz. Dee: EDM in May # 31 Draw some paper money
Miz. Dee: EDM in May #30 Draw something you bought on a trip
Miz. Dee: Show Your Colors
Miz. Dee: 003-001EDM in May # 28 Draw a truck
Miz. Dee: EDM in May # 27 Something dangerous
Miz. Dee: EDM in May #26 Draw a park bench
Miz. Dee: EDM in May #25 Draw a cat
Miz. Dee: EDM in May # 24 Something you've always wanted
Miz. Dee: EDM in May # 23 A fan
Miz. Dee: EDM in May # 22 Draw a remote control