Miz. Dee: PRS52 44 Draw half a fruit
Miz. Dee: 3rd place award!! Hooray!!
Miz. Dee: Miss Duffy and Miz Dee at Cracker Barrel
Miz. Dee: PRS5245 Umbrella
Miz. Dee: Volkswagon Flower Power Beetle
Miz. Dee: A Board Game PRS5246
Miz. Dee: PRS5247 Draw your washbasin
Miz. Dee: A gift of food
Miz. Dee: Favorite Magazine
Miz. Dee: Satrday Sketch
Miz. Dee: The North Side of the Square
Miz. Dee: Golf course 2nd trial
Miz. Dee: Second Halloween picture
Miz. Dee: Halloween Day in Our Town
Miz. Dee: Tulips
Miz. Dee: Early turkey
Miz. Dee: Illustration Friday "Water"
Miz. Dee: Illustration Friday Whiskers
Miz. Dee: PRS5248 Draw a Musical Instrument