Miz. Dee: Every Day in May #1 2013
Miz. Dee: EDiM 2013 #2
Miz. Dee: EDiM #3 Something joyful
Miz. Dee: EDiM #11 Draw gloves
Miz. Dee: EDiM # 10 Draw something Creepy and Rural Sketchers #18 and 19 (something green that starts with a "G"
Miz. Dee: EDiM# 9 Draw a lock
Miz. Dee: EDiM # 8 Draw a coffee pot
Miz. Dee: EDiM # 7 Draw something you got for free
Miz. Dee: EDiM #6 Draw something perfumed
Miz. Dee: EDiM # 5 Draw a pine tree.etc.
Miz. Dee: EDiM #4 My socks
Miz. Dee: EDiM #12 The oldest thing in your refrigerator
Miz. Dee: EDiM #14 Roadrunner figurine
Miz. Dee: EDiM #15 Draw a pencil
Miz. Dee: EDiM #16 Draw something that scares you
Miz. Dee: EDiM #17 Draw something from a First Aid kit
Miz. Dee: EDiM #18 Draw the palm of your left hand
Miz. Dee: EDiM # 19 Something that belongs to someone else
Miz. Dee: EDiM #20 Draw your favorite drink
Miz. Dee: EDiM# 21 Draw something you have just bought
Miz. Dee: EDiM #22 Draw a map
Miz. Dee: IF "Liquid" and Rural Sketchers Something that holds water
Miz. Dee: EDiM #23 Draw a summer joy
Miz. Dee: EDim#25 Draw a tote bag
Miz. Dee: EDiM #26 Draw a screw
Miz. Dee: EDiM#27 Draw something sticky
Miz. Dee: EDiM#28 Draw a pitcher or a jug
Miz. Dee: EDiM # 29 Something from a pet's point of view
Miz. Dee: IF Children