Miz. Dee: From "Time Flies at the Market Stall"
Miz. Dee: Sepia
Miz. Dee: Howling at the Moon Antiques
Miz. Dee: Antique Depot Yard Sale Room
Miz. Dee: Cabin Fever
Miz. Dee: Pantry needs cleaning
Miz. Dee: Back to black and white
Miz. Dee: happy halloween
Miz. Dee: One way to do it
Miz. Dee: Howling at the Moon
Miz. Dee: Antique store window
Miz. Dee: Waiting on the square
Miz. Dee: Wagon of old tools
Miz. Dee: Sketching with Speck
Miz. Dee: Antique Still Life
Miz. Dee: View from my chair
Miz. Dee: The Guilded Possum antique and junk store
Miz. Dee: The Tool Room ( inside behind the front window)
Miz. Dee: Thing a ma bob.