Dean Gulstad: Red rose
Dean Gulstad: Red pine female cone
Dean Gulstad: Female hoverfly on Canada thistle
Dean Gulstad: Four-lined plant bug on Canada thistle
Dean Gulstad: Female soldier fly on Canada thistle
Dean Gulstad: Male hoverfly in flight over Canada thistle
Dean Gulstad: Common duckweed
Dean Gulstad: Goose feather
Dean Gulstad: Haymaker's mushroom
Dean Gulstad: Mourning Cloak caterpillar
Dean Gulstad: Reed canary grass flower head
Dean Gulstad: Male Northern Bluet damselfly with lunch
Dean Gulstad: Male Northern Bluet damselfly with lunch
Dean Gulstad: Red goldenrod aphids
Dean Gulstad: Thistle tortoise beetle pupa
Dean Gulstad: Male hoverfly on Canada thistle
Dean Gulstad: Leaf-cutting bee on Canada thistle
Dean Gulstad: Least Skipper butterfly
Dean Gulstad: Spur-throated grasshopper nymph
Dean Gulstad: Male Northern Bluet damselfly
Dean Gulstad: Female Sedge Sprite damselfly
Dean Gulstad: Male Sedge Sprite damselfly
Dean Gulstad: Male Sedge Sprite damselfly
Dean Gulstad: Red elderberries
Dean Gulstad: Eastern daisy fleabane flower
Dean Gulstad: Honey bee on Canada thistle
Dean Gulstad: Hydrangea flowers
Dean Gulstad: Purple fountain grass
Dean Gulstad: Swamp milkweed flower buds
Dean Gulstad: Canada thistle bud weevils