mitopencourseware: Chart of Conversion Values
mitopencourseware: Table of Formulas for Energy Release
mitopencourseware: General Physical Constants
mitopencourseware: Spatial Variation of a Sum of Two Waves
mitopencourseware: Ground-State and First Two Excited-State Solutions
mitopencourseware: Number of Stable Isotones as a Function of Neutron Number
mitopencourseware: First Excited State Energies of Even-Even Nuclei
mitopencourseware: Variation of Neutron Separation Energy
mitopencourseware: Cross Sections of Neutron Capture at 1 Mev
mitopencourseware: Diagrams of Nucleons at Different Energy Levels
mitopencourseware: Energy Levels of Nucleons in a Smoothly-Varying Potential Well
mitopencourseware: Effects of Symmetry and Coulomb Interactions
mitopencourseware: Nuclear Potential Wells for Neutrons and Protons According to the Fermi-gas Model
mitopencourseware: Wave Functions of Various Shapes
mitopencourseware: The Effect of Spin-Orbit Interaction on the Shell-Model Potential
mitopencourseware: Schematic Representation of Nuclear Levels
mitopencourseware: Variation of Average Binding Energy Per Nucleon with Mass Number for Naturally Occurring Buclides
mitopencourseware: Neutron and Proton Numbers of Stable Nuclides
mitopencourseware: Neutron and Proton Numbers of Stable Nuclides
mitopencourseware: Systematics of Stability Trends in Nuclei
mitopencourseware: Relative Contributions to the binding Energy Per Nucleon
mitopencourseware: Mass Parabolas for Odd and Even Isobars
mitopencourseware: Energy Loss of Electrons and Protons in Lead
mitopencourseware: Collision Cylinder for Deriving the Energy Loss to an Atomic Electron by an Incident Charged Particle
mitopencourseware: Graphs of the Stopping Power for Protons in Air
mitopencourseware: Loss of Charge with Speed as a Charged Particle Slows Down
mitopencourseware: Variation of the Bremmstrahlung Cross Section
mitopencourseware: Approximate Cross Sections in Barns per Atom of Lead and of Air for Incident 0.1-Mev Electrons
mitopencourseware: Mass Absorption Energy Losses for Electrons in Air, Aluminum, and Lead
mitopencourseware: Specific Ionization of Heavy Particles in Air