m. walters:
Through the Clouds
m. walters:
m. walters:
Curly-tailed Lizard
m. walters:
Fancy Spider
m. walters:
Boca de Yuma
m. walters:
Magnificent Frigatebird
m. walters:
Magnificent Frigatebird
m. walters:
Green Heron
m. walters:
Broad-billed Tody
m. walters:
Beach at Guaraguao
m. walters:
Jamaican Fruit-eating Bat Yawn
m. walters:
Jamaican Fruit-eating Bat
m. walters:
Jamaican Fruit-eating Bat
m. walters:
Large Tree
m. walters:
Stolid Flycatcher
m. walters:
Palm Chat carrying a stick to it's colonial nest
m. walters:
Red-legged Thrush Nest
m. walters:
Red-legged Thrush Nest
m. walters:
Rufous-throated Solitare
m. walters:
Bananaquit with nesting material
m. walters:
Antillean Palm Swift
m. walters:
Narrow-billed Tody
m. walters:
In Our Hands
m. walters:
Rufous-throated Solitare
m. walters:
Western Chat-Tanager
m. walters:
m. walters:
La Selle Thrush with food
m. walters:
Green-tailed Warbler
m. walters:
endemic frog sp.
m. walters:
Night Blooming Cerus