Mitchell Prout: Louisville at dusk
Mitchell Prout: View From the Top
Mitchell Prout: Gateway to the West
Mitchell Prout: Mountain Top
Mitchell Prout: Lower Falls - Yellowstone's Grand Canyon
Mitchell Prout: Grand Teton Range
Mitchell Prout: Grand Prismatic Spring
Mitchell Prout: Spying on the City
Mitchell Prout: Thunder Over Louisville 2012 Panoramic
Mitchell Prout: Boom! Thunder Over Louisville 2012
Mitchell Prout: Lazy Falls and the Shallow Stream
Mitchell Prout: Fourth of July in Louisville
Mitchell Prout: Wrigley Field Marquee
Mitchell Prout: Stormy Chicago [Explored]
Mitchell Prout: Chicago Bean
Mitchell Prout: Immovable Object
Mitchell Prout: George Rogers Clark Memorial - Antique
Mitchell Prout: George Rogers Clark Memorial - Vincennes, IN
Mitchell Prout: Star Trails and Shooting Star (Plane)
Mitchell Prout: 2012 Gemenid Meteor Shower
Mitchell Prout: Belle of Louisville
Mitchell Prout: Foggy Embrace
Mitchell Prout: Snowfall
Mitchell Prout: Fly Away
Mitchell Prout: Starfish & Sunsets
Mitchell Prout: Tranquility
Mitchell Prout: Bullseye
Mitchell Prout: She'll Be Coming Around the Corner...
Mitchell Prout: Tres Amigos