mit_architecture: Dalma Foldesi
mit_architecture: Liz McCormick, Thesis, Building Technology
mit_architecture: Luisa Schettino, Thesis, Urbanism
mit_architecture: Ali Khodr, Thesis, AKPIA
mit_architecture: Diana Ang, Alexander Wiegering, Giovanni Bellotti, Kelly Main
mit_architecture: Max Moinian
mit_architecture: Daya Zhang, Monica Hutton, Ranu Singh (not pictured)
mit_architecture: Tyler Swingle
mit_architecture: Danielly Staback and critic Sara Brunelle
mit_architecture: Sara Brunelle
mit_architecture: Danielly Staback
mit_architecture: Timothy Hyde
mit_architecture: Soft Structure Studio with Caitlin Mueller and Janet Echelman
mit_architecture: Soft Structure Studio with Caitlin Mueller and Janet Echelman
mit_architecture: Soft Structure Studio with Caitlin Mueller and Janet Echelman
mit_architecture: Mary Lynch-Lloyd
mit_architecture: Janet Echelman
mit_architecture: Alaa Quraishi
mit_architecture: Bumsuk Cho
mit_architecture: Tyler Swingle
mit_architecture: Soft Structure Studio
mit_architecture: Soft Structure Studio
mit_architecture: Ching Ying Ngan
mit_architecture: Soft Structure Studio, Janet Echelman and Caitlin Mueller
mit_architecture: Boliang Du
mit_architecture: Dijana Milenov
mit_architecture: Mackenzie Muhonen
mit_architecture: Stefan Elsholtz
mit_architecture: Stefan Elsholtz
mit_architecture: Nico Guida