HFZ AMIN: Oppss! One odd flag..(Pak Lah sure marah!!)
HFZ AMIN: Kampung Baru 50300 (aka. Beverly Hills 90210??)
HFZ AMIN: "This is my condo"....home sweet home
HFZ AMIN: My final shot for the day....(KL Photowalk - Kg Baru)
HFZ AMIN: Business?...Hawker?...Exchange cheque?...Help!!
HFZ AMIN: My Secret Garden
HFZ AMIN: The 'doctor' asked...."you mau style apa? Mawi? Millenium Style?"
HFZ AMIN: "and the most popular guy goes to...."
HFZ AMIN: A young hopeful from Kg Baru...
HFZ AMIN: Jackfruits
HFZ AMIN: Pak Jusoh...a 60 year-old Kg Baru resident
HFZ AMIN: Slum And The City
HFZ AMIN: #7 : Nadine...the Swiss traveller
HFZ AMIN: Never changing..except to gather dust and rain water
HFZ AMIN: Makcik (Aunty in Malay)
HFZ AMIN: Sebuah rumah atau warisan tanah
HFZ AMIN: Apakah terdengar tangisan pohon-pohon itu?
HFZ AMIN: ranting2
HFZ AMIN: Jalan Jalan dalam hujan
HFZ AMIN: The car is my status...