Misty's Mornings: My Valentine totally gets me. Happy St. Valentine's Day!
Misty's Mornings: Sprucing up the place a bit ~ my mom is coming! #focusingonlife #shuttersisters #mysunsetmoments
Misty's Mornings: Tagged by @blissfully2 to share 10 things I love. (I forgot to include #doodling.) #10thingsIiove Tagging @my1000gifts @swissmaedel @cvalpiani @twilight_mom @lovevbch @gonzo5 to share your 10 things if you feel like it. ☺️
Misty's Mornings: Beautiful sunset tonight on our way home. The perfect end of a peaceful weekend. #elevatetheeveryday #nothingisordinary #focusingonlife
Misty's Mornings: Feeling crafty today.
Misty's Mornings: He is eagerly creating sentences about a worm. "The worm is in the forest with his brothers. They are planning a trip..." This is getting interesting! #mobsociety #elevatetheeveryday #mysunsetmoments
Misty's Mornings: With a sick one home from school on this foggy day I figured a little lemon poppyseed bread couldn't hurt. #peacefulkitchen
Misty's Mornings: I love sitting down at my desk to find that someone else has been creating there before me. #mobsociety #sunsetmoments
Misty's Mornings: It was a melty morning and all the snow is nearly gone. It was fun while it lasted but now I'm getting #springfever . #noedit #mortalmuses #shuttersisters
Misty's Mornings: Leftovers for breakfast they ask? These snow days are wreaking havoc with my kids' minds! #peacefulkitchen #maybejustone
Misty's Mornings: Snowy day treat for me. (Day three no school⛄️).#snowdaytoday #peacefulkitchen
Misty's Mornings: Sledding :: Southern style. #winterstormleon #notsafe
Misty's Mornings: Waking up to a winter wonderland is fun! We're guessing 8-10 inches? The boys can hardly wait to get out there but I don't want them to disturb it just yet. ⛄️#snowdaytoday #winterstormleon
Misty's Mornings: One inch down, eight more to go. Better get home and get cozy! #snowdaytomorrow
Misty's Mornings: I sent these two 'greasers' off to school today for Retro Day. They're channelling The Outsiders. I hope they don't get into trouble!(and yes our is STILL up). #csw14 #catholicschoolsweek #spiritdays
Misty's Mornings: This wine is delicious. Once again proving I am a goner for pretty packaging. #snowdaytomorrow? #fingerscrossed #stockeduptoday
Misty's Mornings: Sunbathing (my feet and shoulders) a bit before the next snow storm arrives tomorrow. All the windows are open to freshen away all germs. This sun feels so good. ☀️#thismoment #gratefultweet
Misty's Mornings: Goodnight not so little one. He still loves to sleep in my lap but he barely fits anymore. #lovemylittleguy #thisiswhatitsallabout
Misty's Mornings: This packaging cracks me up. Looks like it's just the right time to put it on. (It's a stretchy and quite supportive tank top.) Don't you love that time time of day too?
Misty's Mornings: Please allow me to gush a little over receiving a signed manuscript page of #magicaljourney from @Katrinakenison . She is truly one of my mentors and I encourage every mom to read any one of her three memoirs of motherhood. They have each blessed my journ
Misty's Mornings: Quiet play on a snow day.
Misty's Mornings: It's been an amazing day of play. They've been in and out several times and are now praying for a second day off tomorrow. They keep telling me that it is very icy! (hint hint) #snowdaytoday #snowdaytomorrow?
Misty's Mornings: Snow day baking complete :: chocolate chip blondies. (Just cookies in a brownie pan ☺️.) #snowdaytoday #peacefulkitchen
Misty's Mornings: Our Olaf survived the blustery night. ⛄️#snowdaytoday
Misty's Mornings: It's finally here!❄️Now we just wait for the school closing announcement to be made. #snowdaytomorrow?
Misty's Mornings: Made my mom's banana bread today. (Working on prepping the post for my blog too.) This was the last and only piece just for me. #peacefulkitchen #baking #bananabread
Misty's Mornings: First date night of 2014. Making a resolution to go out once a month. Tonight it's Indian. #wfd #datenight
Misty's Mornings: I love seeing that Amazon box on my front step. I love finding delicious new books inside even more. Can't wait to read Hands Free Mama as I am planning on this idea for Lent. Anyone read it already? #handsfreemama #putdowntheiphone #unplug
Misty's Mornings: Today feels like hope is in the air. #nothingisordinary #newbeginnings
Misty's Mornings: My bedtime reading buddies. I can't even get upset that they stay up later than I said when I find them like this. #bookcrazy #somuchtoreadsolittletime