The Colors of my Life:
Hackberry Emperor Buttery
The Colors of my Life:
Tufted Titmouse
The Colors of my Life:
Red Admiral
The Colors of my Life:
Black-throated Green Warbler
The Colors of my Life:
Pickles in the sunshine.
The Colors of my Life:
Cat in window
The Colors of my Life:
Deep in thought…
The Colors of my Life:
Sweet Pickles
The Colors of my Life:
Furnace Mountain Mule
The Colors of my Life:
Happy! Happy! Happy!
The Colors of my Life:
Edith Anne
The Colors of my Life:
Sleepy Ms. Pickles
The Colors of my Life:
Traveler & Milkshake
The Colors of my Life:
The Colors of my Life:
Traveler and Milkshake
The Colors of my Life:
Traveler & Milkshake
The Colors of my Life:
Traveler & Milkshake
The Colors of my Life:
Traveler & Milkshake
The Colors of my Life:
All dressed up and no place to go.
The Colors of my Life:
Looking up
The Colors of my Life:
Edith in the spring sunshine.
The Colors of my Life:
Howie demonstrating how hard he will pinch me.
The Colors of my Life:
A single tulip above all else.
The Colors of my Life:
Sweet Dreams
The Colors of my Life:
The Colors of my Life:
The Colors of my Life:
Edith Anne always smiling.
The Colors of my Life: