Misty Garrick: Pink flowers
Misty Garrick: Tic trefoil
Misty Garrick: 061. Kettle River
Misty Garrick: 060. Catterpillar
Misty Garrick: 059. Kettle River
Misty Garrick: 058. Primrose
Misty Garrick: 057. Head of the Rapids, Kettle River
Misty Garrick: 056. Head of the Rapids, Kettle River
Misty Garrick: 055. Turks Cap Lily
Misty Garrick: 054. Turks Cap Lily
Misty Garrick: 053. Turks Cap Lily
Misty Garrick: 052. Turks Cap Lily
Misty Garrick: 051. Mushrooms and spider
Misty Garrick: 050. Hazelnut perhaps
Misty Garrick: 049. Hazelnut perhaps
Misty Garrick: 048. Bluebead lily
Misty Garrick: 047. High Bluff Trail
Misty Garrick: 042. High Bluffs Trail
Misty Garrick: 044. High Bluffs Trail
Misty Garrick: 043. High Bluffs Trail
Misty Garrick: 041. Ferns
Misty Garrick: 040. Ferns
Misty Garrick: 039. Ferns
Misty Garrick: 038. Wolf Creek Trail
Misty Garrick: 037. Yellow mushroom
Misty Garrick: 036. Ferns and birches
Misty Garrick: 035. Ferns
Misty Garrick: 034. Little red mushroom
Misty Garrick: 033. Mossy carpet
Misty Garrick: 032. Blackberries