Misty Garrick: Old Main
Misty Garrick: Old Main birdhouse
Misty Garrick: Library and Old Main
Misty Garrick: Old Main squirrel
Misty Garrick: Hi little friend
Misty Garrick: Old Main squirrel
Misty Garrick: Humanities
Misty Garrick: Olin squirrel
Misty Garrick: Olin squirrel
Misty Garrick: Square wheel bike
Misty Garrick: Interfaith speed dating
Misty Garrick: Math CS
Misty Garrick: Periodic table
Misty Garrick: math jeopardy
Misty Garrick: When the eyes of Bressoud are upon you...
Misty Garrick: Olin classroom
Misty Garrick: Olin classroom
Misty Garrick: Olin-Rice
Misty Garrick: Olin-Rice
Misty Garrick: Wind turbine
Misty Garrick: Yarn bomb
Misty Garrick: Macalester campus
Misty Garrick: Spring at Macalester
Misty Garrick: Spring at Macalester
Misty Garrick: Macalester College bagpipers
Misty Garrick: Macalester and Carleton Colleges