Misty Garrick: Trail at Nerstrand Big Woods State Park
Misty Garrick: Trail at Nerstrand Big Woods State Park
Misty Garrick: Trail at Nerstrand Big Woods State Park
Misty Garrick: Ferns in the rocks at Hidden Falls
Misty Garrick: Hidden Falls 3
Misty Garrick: Hidden Falls 1
Misty Garrick: Hidden Falls 2
Misty Garrick: Creek at Nerstrand Big Woods
Misty Garrick: Me at Hidden Falls
Misty Garrick: Columbine
Misty Garrick: Blue phlox
Misty Garrick: Blue phlox
Misty Garrick: Jack-in-the-pulpit
Misty Garrick: Wild geraniums and ferns
Misty Garrick: Wild geraniums
Misty Garrick: Honeysuckle-like
Misty Garrick: Honeysuckle-like
Misty Garrick: Flower dates
Misty Garrick: Bloodroot
Misty Garrick: Bloodroot
Misty Garrick: White trout lilies
Misty Garrick: White trout lily
Misty Garrick: White trout lily ground cover
Misty Garrick: White Oak Trail
Misty Garrick: White trout lily ground cover
Misty Garrick: White trout lily ground cover
Misty Garrick: White Oak Trail
Misty Garrick: White trout lily ground cover
Misty Garrick: White Oak Trail
Misty Garrick: White trout lily