Misty Garrick: Clover leaves in our pints
Misty Garrick: Might be a little too late for that...
Misty Garrick: Coins and the water from the Wicklow Mountains
Misty Garrick: Coins in the fountain at Guinness
Misty Garrick: Enjoy Keg
Misty Garrick: Gravity Bar 2
Misty Garrick: Gravity Bar
Misty Garrick: Guiness Storehouse
Misty Garrick: Guinness figurine
Misty Garrick: Guinness message in a bottle
Misty Garrick: Guinness poem
Misty Garrick: Guinness signature on lease
Misty Garrick: Guinness Storeroom ceiling
Misty Garrick: Guinness testing
Misty Garrick: Not sure what the tower is
Misty Garrick: Old Guinness bottles
Misty Garrick: Old Guinness labels
Misty Garrick: There's poetry in a pint of Guinness
Misty Garrick: Trinity College view
Misty Garrick: View from the Gravity Bar 2
Misty Garrick: View from the Gravity Bar
Misty Garrick: What a tourist
Misty Garrick: Wicklow Mountains
Misty Garrick: Bar at the Gravity Bar
Misty Garrick: Another door of Dublin
Misty Garrick: At the hotel in Dublin
Misty Garrick: Bar in Dublin
Misty Garrick: Bar where we had dinner 2
Misty Garrick: Bar where we had dinner
Misty Garrick: Barrack Obama