~Misty~: Banded Demoiselle - Calopteryx splendens
~Misty~: Caterpillars only crawl...
~Misty~: Anyone seen the film 'Despicable Me'?
~Misty~: How long do you reckon Ruby can hang on to her toy for?
~Misty~: Spot the Dog #14
~Misty~: Fletching and Forging on the Village Brown...
~Misty~: More duckies start to turn the lock blue.
~Misty~: Today, I really fancied a cream doughnut...
~Misty~: Wuff!
~Misty~: Somedoggy just can't wait 'til Christmas...
~Misty~: Team Work!
~Misty~: Jazz in the Park
~Misty~: If you look closely, you'll see that the only thing that's level in this pic is the pizza sign.
~Misty~: On yer marks, set, GO!
~Misty~: I *heart* my new mini-tripod!
~Misty~: August's MSH = Doned!