~Misty~: Fight Club.
~Misty~: Sometimes it's not a good idea to ask if there's a doctor in the house...
~Misty~: Virgin Mary and Child found in pot of yoghurt.
~Misty~: Les canards des jour!
~Misty~: What's that coming over the hill, is it a ducky?
~Misty~: I'd hate to wake up next to this on my pillow!
~Misty~: *snerk*
~Misty~: Nine ducks and a little duckling.
~Misty~: When badgers attack!
~Misty~: You put your right leg in...
~Misty~: I do believe in fairies!
~Misty~: Today, I have mostly been eating mints.
~Misty~: October, MSH = Doned!