~Misty~: The Great British Duck Race, 31/8/08
~Misty~: A van. Full of small, blue rubber ducks, all ready and psyched up to swim The Great British Duck Race!
~Misty~: Getting Ready for Action.
~Misty~: Andy Hodge arrives by boat to give the ducks a pre-race pep talk.
~Misty~: It's not every day you see a large rubber duck wearing an Olympic medal, is it now?
~Misty~: The first of the ducks enter the lock
~Misty~: Andy Hodge helps empty the boxes, and almost ends up in the lock as well.
~Misty~: More duckies start to turn the lock blue.
~Misty~: Nearly ready...
~Misty~: No photoshop used whatsoever!
~Misty~: Emma Barton and Shane Gergahty also arrive, and pose in the boat with the big yellow duck.
~Misty~: Shane Gergahty meets Aristotle!
~Misty~: Andy Hodge meets Aristotle and shows him his medal!.
~Misty~: Emma Barton meets Aristotle!
~Misty~: Aristotle interviews a couple of the racers before the off.
~Misty~: Ready... set...
~Misty~: GO!
~Misty~: Despite the steady drizzle, the banks were crowded with people cheering the little duckies along.
~Misty~: 250,000 Blue Rubberducks. A view from a boat reserved for those with press passes*
~Misty~: "What the Quack...?"
~Misty~: All along the riverbank.
~Misty~: Bath full o'duckies, yay!
~Misty~: Big Blue Duck.
~Misty~: The Finishing Post
~Misty~: The winning duck!
~Misty~: Aristotle congratulates Teh Winner!