~Misty~: Today, I am mostly in a cavalier mood.
~Misty~: Today, I will mostly be starting a new fashion trend.
~Misty~: Today, I went out.
~Misty~: Today, I iz hoodie.
~Misty~: Brentham May Day procession, Ealing 1972 (or maybe 73)
~Misty~: Today, I will mostly be celebrating.
~Misty~: Today, I will mostly be wearing flip flops.
~Misty~: Do you want to tell him it's not Christmas yet?
~Misty~: Today, I will mostly be pretending to be a mushroom.
~Misty~: Today, I will mostly be wondering what happened to summer...
~Misty~: Today, I will mostly be making majicks...
~Misty~: Today, I am mostly wondering if the 'new look' was a mistake...
~Misty~: Today, I will mostly be putting on my top hat.
~Misty~: 1888 and all that.
~Misty~: Today, I will mostly be taming badgers.
~Misty~: I've got my tinfoil hat on...
~Misty~: Oh stop, wait a minute mister postman...
~Misty~: And the latest in doggy fashion is...
~Misty~: Stir crazy...
~Misty~: No publicity please.
~Misty~: Learning about my new cameraphone.
~Misty~: That's not Santa...
~Misty~: If I could turn back time...
~Misty~: The Devil Rides Out!