~Misty~: For Rosamundi.
~Misty~: What duck?
~Misty~: Now you know where rubber duckies come from.
~Misty~: life
~Misty~: I'd say about a 58 GG cup...
~Misty~: When I grow up I want to be a cartographer.
~Misty~: Treasure Chest?
~Misty~: Duck Soup
~Misty~: Terry Pratchett, Rubber Ducked.
~Misty~: Kiss kiss, quack quack
~Misty~: Happy Quacky!
~Misty~: Enfleurage
~Misty~: Today, I will mostly be trying to save the world from a dalek invasion.
~Misty~: When Duck Teams Collide.
~Misty~: If you can't guess the book, go away.
~Misty~: When Rainbows Crash Land.
~Misty~: Heading west...
~Misty~: You're never alone with over 50 rubber ducks...
~Misty~: Apologies to Vermeer
~Misty~: The Great British Duck Race, 31/8/08
~Misty~: Even more Apologies to Escher
~Misty~: My Snoobunny!
~Misty~: More new sox!
~Misty~: “We live only to discover beauty. All else is a form of waiting.”
~Misty~: Pre-balancing School.
~Misty~: Les socks de jour!
~Misty~: Today, I found my long-lost leather trousers.