misterzach83: yep, that's his head
misterzach83: curves
misterzach83: intense battle
misterzach83: smash their face in
misterzach83: whippit
misterzach83: lines and grace
misterzach83: breaking bread
misterzach83: spear bed
misterzach83: group battle
misterzach83: a difficult crop, but one i love
misterzach83: flying and posing
misterzach83: chinese gladiators
misterzach83: careful composition, or luck
misterzach83: pure matrix
misterzach83: and that's how he lost his fingers
misterzach83: a leap with a stick
misterzach83: black and white quarter staff
misterzach83: who-a!
misterzach83: a different fan dance
misterzach83: a little black and white
misterzach83: follow me into battle
misterzach83: ecstacy of the sword
misterzach83: nearly speared