mistert2: Olive wood model of Brthlehem village
mistert2: Bethlehem model
mistert2: A faithful princess- St Demiana
mistert2: St Demiana
mistert2: Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem
mistert2: detail-Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem
mistert2: The Resurrection
mistert2: St Anthony the Great
mistert2: Apostles
mistert2: Apostles front right
mistert2: Apostles above right of the altar
mistert2: Right side of iconostasis including Baptism of Christ, St Anthony, and 6 apostles
mistert2: St Anthony, a desert father
mistert2: St Anthony lived in Egyptc 251-356 AD
mistert2: Handcarved Lectern
mistert2: DSC_8696.NEF
mistert2: The Baptism of Jesus
mistert2: Christ the Lord
mistert2: The Last Supper
mistert2: Crucifixion with Saints Mary and John
mistert2: Altar area
mistert2: Altar with ostrich egg
mistert2: Iconostasis, right side
mistert2: DSC_8704.NEF
mistert2: DSC_8705.NEF
mistert2: Mary and the child Jesus, enthroned
mistert2: Mary and the child Jesus,
mistert2: DSC_8708.NEF
mistert2: Iconostasis, left side of Altar
mistert2: Hand cared marble altar