Mr. Sable: ice axes crossed
Mr. Sable: ice axe head
Mr. Sable: ice axe spike
Mr. Sable: former Cookie Cutters.
Mr. Sable: Use one of these
Mr. Sable: Flatten the cookie cutters.
Mr. Sable: Flatten the cookie cutters
Mr. Sable: Screwed in to the top.
Mr. Sable: Rounded for 'safety'
Mr. Sable: Front end not yet trimmed
Mr. Sable: About this long
Mr. Sable: You need this sort of scissors
Mr. Sable: Pick support piece
Mr. Sable: Where the pick support piece will end up
Mr. Sable: Like this
Mr. Sable: Guide lines
Mr. Sable: Tin snips!
Mr. Sable: The basic shape in tin.
Mr. Sable: Pick pieces in foam
Mr. Sable: See how this works?
Mr. Sable: Structure traced on foam
Mr. Sable: Pattern drawn out
Mr. Sable: Pattern cut out
Mr. Sable: Duplicate without the hole drawn out
Mr. Sable: Hole is snipped across to make a 'star'
Mr. Sable: Goes on like this
Mr. Sable: Under piece
Mr. Sable: Over piece
Mr. Sable: It will be glued like this
Mr. Sable: A fake wood bit