Mr. Sable: Posted at the END of the trail when we finish the hike.
Mr. Sable: snake_trouble_01
Mr. Sable: snake_trouble_02
Mr. Sable: snake_trouble_03
Mr. Sable: Canada's Sesquicentennial !
Mr. Sable: Morning view
Mr. Sable: Laundry room with a view!
Mr. Sable: Abandoned museum
Mr. Sable: Abandoned museum
Mr. Sable: Abandoned museum
Mr. Sable: Mothra!
Mr. Sable: Mothra!
Mr. Sable: Mothra!
Mr. Sable: wild Deinonychus
Mr. Sable: Trail panorama
Mr. Sable: Trail panorama
Mr. Sable: wild Deinonychus
Mr. Sable: wild Deinonychus
Mr. Sable: DSCF1454
Mr. Sable: DSCF1455
Mr. Sable: DSCF1456
Mr. Sable: I later found this wall tent barge up on a mesa
Mr. Sable: Archival photo of a wall tent barge
Mr. Sable: DSCF1460_rote
Mr. Sable: Pretty good stitching for being drunk!
Mr. Sable: cut a notch out of the corners
Mr. Sable: Sewing your DGS flag
Mr. Sable: Drinking helps when it's hot.
Mr. Sable: DSCF1475
Mr. Sable: DSCF1476