Mr. Sable: The Big Rock
Mr. Sable: Covered in kids by 10:30a on a school day
Mr. Sable: Mountain View
Mr. Sable: Mountain View
Mr. Sable: passage
Mr. Sable: They're coming.
Mr. Sable: can't tell from the thumbnail
Mr. Sable: The Cleft
Mr. Sable: Weeded up passage
Mr. Sable: West side 'passage'.
Mr. Sable: West Side
Mr. Sable: Sacrificial Altar, hat for scale
Mr. Sable: West Side
Mr. Sable: Sacrificial Altar
Mr. Sable: For scale
Mr. Sable: For scale
Mr. Sable: Passage
Mr. Sable: Standing stones
Mr. Sable: over exposed with highway in the background
Mr. Sable: West side
Mr. Sable: West side
Mr. Sable: Passage
Mr. Sable: Inside the rock looking out.
Mr. Sable: Inside the rock looking out.
Mr. Sable: Inside the rock looking out.
Mr. Sable: Giant Crack
Mr. Sable: Giant Crack
Mr. Sable: side 'cave'
Mr. Sable: side 'cave'
Mr. Sable: Spider web