Mr. Sable: Spacious and luxurious!
Mr. Sable: Dinosaur
Mr. Sable: Dinosaur transport
Mr. Sable: probably a radioactive specimen.
Mr. Sable: I often take shots just like this one.
Mr. Sable: Dinosaur at an extinct souvenir stand
Mr. Sable: We didn't see any rattlers. :(
Mr. Sable: P-O-S-H, POSH!
Mr. Sable: Splendid digs!
Mr. Sable: Neo-Victoriana
Mr. Sable: nor desired.
Mr. Sable: River banks
Mr. Sable: Quatzequatel
Mr. Sable: flowers
Mr. Sable: Great view
Mr. Sable: the first hoodoos
Mr. Sable: Vista
Mr. Sable: round cactus
Mr. Sable: Above the sage flats
Mr. Sable: entering the badlands
Mr. Sable: beyond ancient
Mr. Sable: Coulees
Mr. Sable: More hoodoos
Mr. Sable: Hoodoos and future hoodoos
Mr. Sable: Flat cactus
Mr. Sable: Cactus and coulees
Mr. Sable: The Way In
Mr. Sable: Oh, deer.
Mr. Sable: Cactus
Mr. Sable: Mud River