Mr. Sable: Indiana Jones and the Adventure of Archaeology
Mr. Sable: Exhibit decor
Mr. Sable: Bug candy
Mr. Sable: REALLY expensive souvenirs
Mr. Sable: I ain't afraid of snakes.
Mr. Sable: Medieval Grail Knight Painting and me for scale
Mr. Sable: Snakewhip Sable and the Holy Grail
Mr. Sable: production sketch
Mr. Sable: Snakewhip Sable and the Crystal Skeleton
Mr. Sable: Crystal Skeleton
Mr. Sable: Snakewhip Sable and the Crystal Skeleton
Mr. Sable: Snakewhip Sable and the Crystal Skeleton
Mr. Sable: Snakewhip Sable and the Crystal Skeleton
Mr. Sable: Spalko's papers
Mr. Sable: Spalko's papers
Mr. Sable: Spalko's papers
Mr. Sable: Spalko's soft wool pajammas
Mr. Sable: Spalko gear
Mr. Sable: Spalko's papers
Mr. Sable: Soviet gear
Mr. Sable: Russian plans
Mr. Sable: Not really gift shop appropriate
Mr. Sable: Map magnifier
Mr. Sable: Russian gear
Mr. Sable: Snakewhip Sable and the Crystal Skeleton
Mr. Sable: Snakewhip Sable and the Crystal Skeleton
Mr. Sable: Snakewhip Sable and the Crystal Skull
Mr. Sable: Snakewhip Sable and the Crystal Skull
Mr. Sable: Francisco de Orellana & me
Mr. Sable: Oxley's gear