Mr. Sable: WWI memorial
Mr. Sable: Patrick scanning war memorial
Mr. Sable: Lancaster bomber
Mr. Sable: Lancaster bomber
Mr. Sable: Family History
Mr. Sable: best playroom ever.
Mr. Sable: Caboose!
Mr. Sable: Prairie iconic
Mr. Sable: Canadian Pacific Railway lock
Mr. Sable: Canadian Pacific Railway lock
Mr. Sable: What it really means is 'Fun Inside!"
Mr. Sable: inside the explosive cabinet
Mr. Sable: Once a railroad, now it's done.
Mr. Sable: Hotel bar kitteh!
Mr. Sable: filming on the abandoned homestead
Mr. Sable: abandoned farmhouse
Mr. Sable: If the shoe fits.
Mr. Sable: Bit of a fixer upper.
Mr. Sable: What a view!
Mr. Sable: Front window
Mr. Sable: yeah, Didn't dare, or I'd be in the flooded basement before I got halfway up the staircase.
Mr. Sable: Place for fire
Mr. Sable: Bee's knees
Mr. Sable: The easiest way to date an abandonment
Mr. Sable: Seed inspection certificate
Mr. Sable: 1952
Mr. Sable: Happy stove!
Mr. Sable: Stove in situ
Mr. Sable: homestead garage
Mr. Sable: Baby's first film shoot