Mr. Sable: side o' beef reference
Mr. Sable: work in progress
Mr. Sable: work in progress
Mr. Sable: Intrepid Explorers/Tactical Team
Mr. Sable: Cast and crew
Mr. Sable: Plus or Minos Day 01 041
Mr. Sable: Zig Zag Creek
Mr. Sable: I got a great idea for a Broadway musical! Wanna hear it?!
Mr. Sable: what the hell IS this stuff?!
Mr. Sable: Dr. Haggis does an impression of a dirty dish.
Mr. Sable: oops. Where's Dr. Haggis?!
Mr. Sable: Looking for the screen accurate Silent Bob hat
Mr. Sable: Found the hat!
Mr. Sable: Foamy water, very dangerous. You go first.
Mr. Sable: Plus or Minos Day 01 033 cropped
Mr. Sable: Plus or Minos Day 01 036 panavision
Mr. Sable: Nazi interpretive dance.
Mr. Sable: The wrong side.
Mr. Sable: Plus or Minos Day 01 031
Mr. Sable: Where does he get those wonderful toys?!
Mr. Sable: Looks like we're in a bit of a tight spot boys.
Mr. Sable: Ready for his second dive.
Mr. Sable: Can anyone actually see how ridiculous we look?
Mr. Sable: No, really, I've been in there many times.
Mr. Sable: At least we retrieved the hat.
Mr. Sable: locations 001
Mr. Sable: locations 005
Mr. Sable: locations 007
Mr. Sable: locations 008