Roberto Valt: Mozambican people
Roberto Valt: Mozambican people
Roberto Valt: Mozambican people
Roberto Valt: Mozambican people
Roberto Valt: Cleaning the fish
Roberto Valt: Very old Car - mozambico
Roberto Valt: Mozambican people
Roberto Valt: humpback whale jumping
Roberto Valt: Mozambican people
Roberto Valt: Fisherman
Roberto Valt: Mozambican people
Roberto Valt: hallo!
Roberto Valt: Small fisherman
Roberto Valt: At work
Roberto Valt: Artigianato Locale
Roberto Valt: Improvised cook
Roberto Valt: Local handicrafts
Roberto Valt: Special place to eat
Roberto Valt: Mini Market
Roberto Valt: Mozambican people
Roberto Valt: Man at work
Roberto Valt: Market
Roberto Valt: Glasses store
Roberto Valt: Colors
Roberto Valt: Tofo beach
Roberto Valt: Nice Job
Roberto Valt: Happy kids