mistdog: Liberty Sunset
mistdog: midtown sunset
mistdog: UN building sphere
mistdog: Empire State
mistdog: Flag
mistdog: 42nd Street and the Chrysler Building
mistdog: Guggenheim interior
mistdog: visitors at the Guggenheim
mistdog: Tall ships Manhattan
mistdog: smile
mistdog: Manhattan sunset
mistdog: blue wall
mistdog: boats and helicopters
mistdog: City Hall Park
mistdog: clock tower
mistdog: serendipity
mistdog: Sheep Meadow
mistdog: Columbus globe
mistdog: sphere
mistdog: hunter
mistdog: fire trucks
mistdog: upper west side
mistdog: west fourth
mistdog: post office detail
mistdog: memorial reflection
mistdog: new World Trade Center
mistdog: Ellis Island
mistdog: liberty blue
mistdog: ferry and liberty
mistdog: Manhattan