Missy Jussy:
Missy Jussy:
Mollie In The Winter Sun
Missy Jussy:
Meadow Madness!
Missy Jussy:
Cosy on the sofa
Missy Jussy:
Missy Jussy:
Sickness ......
Missy Jussy:
Sad Souls
Missy Jussy:
Crompton Moor Trail With Rups
Missy Jussy:
My Bear and The Fall
Missy Jussy:
Rupert on Crompton Moor
Missy Jussy:
Missy Jussy:
A Bear in Crompton Pine Forest
Missy Jussy:
Snow Good Fun!
Missy Jussy:
Standing Proud
Missy Jussy:
My Mollie .. My Girl .. My Soul Mate
Missy Jussy:
A feeling of being on top of the world!
Missy Jussy:
A Blackstone Edge Blow Wave!
Missy Jussy:
SNOW! Lots if it to come!
Missy Jussy:
My Beasts from the East .... preparing to salt the streets!
Missy Jussy:
Mollie and Rupert in the Snow!
Missy Jussy:
Rupert's World
Missy Jussy:
My Mollie Munch
Missy Jussy:
Loyal Companions
Missy Jussy:
Rupert at 21 months old
Missy Jussy:
Fun in the snow (1)
Missy Jussy:
Fun in the snow (2)
Missy Jussy:
Fun in the snow (3)
Missy Jussy:
Fun in the snow (4)
Missy Jussy:
Fun in the snow (5)
Missy Jussy:
Fun in the snow (6)