n_vivida: My Little Sweetheart
n_vivida: 蓝铃花 Blue bell
n_vivida: 玉兰仍在 Magnolia was not gone yet.
n_vivida: My Little Sweetheart
n_vivida: 插画家 The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle
n_vivida: King County Library, WA
n_vivida: King County Library, WA
n_vivida: 华盛顿州美景城的住家The neighborhood in Bellevue, WA
n_vivida: The burning lawn.
n_vivida: 西雅图创意市集 SEATTLE STREET FAIR
n_vivida: 西雅图创意市集 SEATTLE STREET FAIR
n_vivida: Senior Center in Whidbey Island 威德比岛老年活动中心
n_vivida: Deon's students in her watercolor painting class.
n_vivida: Deon's truck paintings
n_vivida: Village Books, Bellingham
n_vivida: Recommendation
n_vivida: An old truck that appeared in Deon's painting
n_vivida: Recycling Center, Clinton, Whidbey Island
n_vivida: Dark-colored bottles
n_vivida: Batteries go here.
n_vivida: Dan's work
n_vivida: Bob the brewer
n_vivida: Langley小城,午餐,迪安画的小狗备受客人青睐。
n_vivida: Langley小城,玻璃工坊。
n_vivida: 收割大黄(rhubarb)
n_vivida: Cliton, Whidbey Island
n_vivida: 每天早晨和夜晚,走过这条芬芳的小路
n_vivida: Life in the woods. 林中生活
n_vivida: Admiralty Head Lighthouse 上将灯塔
n_vivida: 鲍勃和小狗荷西