n_vivida: 雪泥鸿爪
n_vivida: footprints: robin?
n_vivida: 日本小擘 Japanese Barberry (Berberis thunbergii)
n_vivida: 雁群:清晨
n_vivida: 洋水仙,风信子,郁金香(从左至右)
n_vivida: crocus番红花
n_vivida: Sagebrush Scrub
n_vivida: redstem filaree(Erodium Circutarium)
n_vivida: First day of Spring, Reno
n_vivida: Narcissus pseudonarcissus
n_vivida: Ground plants
n_vivida: Star Magnolia, UNR campus
n_vivida: Forthesia连翘
n_vivida: muscari 葡萄风信子
n_vivida: Trees
n_vivida: His name is "not-not".
n_vivida: Blossoming Almond Tree 开花的巴旦杏
n_vivida: They're in full bloom in the Wilbur D. May Arboretum and Botanical Garden
n_vivida: 品种待查
n_vivida: 郁金香时节
n_vivida: 花毛茛
n_vivida: Desert Peach
n_vivida: 花树,稠极了。是因为春天风大,密密麻麻挤在一起才好抵挡?
n_vivida: Home Depo的花:marguerite daisy
n_vivida: When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd
n_vivida: 粉红重瓣麦李 Prunus glandulosa
n_vivida: Pink dogwood 粉红四照花
n_vivida: 蓝铃花 Blue bell
n_vivida: 玉兰仍在 Magnolia was not gone yet.