misst.shs: Nature's Frosty Bow
misst.shs: . . . Solitude is the School of Genius
misst.shs: Perfect Imperfection
misst.shs: A Touch of Red
misst.shs: “The Clearest Way into the Universe. . .
misst.shs: Meadow Flower
misst.shs: Silence
misst.shs: “Every blade of grass . . . "
misst.shs: “Beauty is not caused. It is.” (Explored)
misst.shs: Dedication
misst.shs: "Every Leaf Speaks. . ."
misst.shs: Nasturstium
misst.shs: Next time a sunrise steals your breath . . . (Explored)
misst.shs: Study nature. . . (Explored)
misst.shs: We are butterflies. . .
misst.shs: "Just living is not enough, . . ."
misst.shs: Pink Spiraea
misst.shs: "Praise is like Sunlight. . ." (Explored)
misst.shs: Droopy Daisy
misst.shs: “Never mistake a clear view for a short distance.” Paul Saffo
misst.shs: Trilium
misst.shs: “The birthplace of success . . ."
misst.shs: “Not the cry, but the flight of the wild duck, leads the flock to fly and follow.” Proverb
misst.shs: Red Winged Blackbird
misst.shs: The World in a Droplet
misst.shs: Inclination for Pink
misst.shs: Feathery Green
misst.shs: New Leaves
misst.shs: New Tamarack Needles
misst.shs: Dandelion Army