misstracyjo: Thank God I have a camera again.
misstracyjo: Reviewing the museum map.
misstracyjo: Ryerson Art Library
misstracyjo: Nice.
misstracyjo: I love these wonderful cups; what would you have in them?
misstracyjo: Magical book.
misstracyjo: Not linoleum. Ceramic. Made my day.
misstracyjo: Lilacs
misstracyjo: Nice bowl.
misstracyjo: Out the museum window.
misstracyjo: The Bewitched Mill, Franz Marc
misstracyjo: Looking out from the museum.
misstracyjo: Irving Penn's camera
misstracyjo: I say he's a german shepherd
misstracyjo: Building a new Chicago.
misstracyjo: The old Chicago. I'm assuming some pilings lurk under here.
misstracyjo: Excelsior Goose, guardian of the Kinzie St. Bridge
misstracyjo: Future guardians of the Kinzie St. Bridge
misstracyjo: Kinzie St. Bridge
misstracyjo: Rebuilding the Wells St. Bridge.
misstracyjo: Building a new Chicago.
misstracyjo: Urban kayaking.