katherine.a: di-Sodium tetraborate
katherine.a: Salad dressing of DOOM
katherine.a: Glassware
katherine.a: Purple
katherine.a: Splashdown
katherine.a: Cabbage juice
katherine.a: Flavinlicious
katherine.a: Chromatography - results
katherine.a: Chromatography - drying
katherine.a: Chromatography - water versus ethanol
katherine.a: Testing pH of food
katherine.a: Spot tile
katherine.a: pH testing
katherine.a: Samples for testing
katherine.a: Egg cartons are useful
katherine.a: Indicator solution
katherine.a: Deflavinated cabbage
katherine.a: Dissected cabbage
katherine.a: Beaker of cabbage
katherine.a: A most inefficient cooking method
katherine.a: Cabbage soup
katherine.a: Chopped cabbage
katherine.a: Could have made coleslaw instead
katherine.a: Setup
katherine.a: Chromatography in action
katherine.a: Shiny beakers
katherine.a: I'm helping!
katherine.a: pH_big
katherine.a: The scenic bit of school.
katherine.a: Meadowbank FTW