tamara noland: Miss M rockin' it granny-style w/ her oly om-2
tamara noland: miss to the m.
tamara noland: where the wild things are.
tamara noland: venice beach boardwalk.
tamara noland: venice, california
tamara noland: el segundo.
tamara noland: driving nowhere fast.
tamara noland: can you guess how many of my favorite things are in this window?
tamara noland: thinking about everything she could buy if only she had some money.
tamara noland: we love pelicans and wooden peacocks.
tamara noland: M's always wanted to know what she would look like with blue eyes but I don't think she planned on giving up her nose for them.
tamara noland: yeah man...what they say.
tamara noland: thought-full.
tamara noland: superstar.