missmonstermel: First cast came out nice- now to clean it up and remold 👌#missmonster #missmonstermel #helmet
missmonstermel: Happy Mother's Day! The spiderlings finally decided to come out of their nest- what appropriate timing! 😂👌 #phiddipusregius #spiderlings
missmonstermel: One more shot - this one is going to be a breeze to paint! #missmonster #missmonstermel #helmet
missmonstermel: Hard to call this finished since it's been such a treat sculpting these details- but I have to let go before I ruin it. Molding tomorrow! #missmonster #missmonstermel #helmet
missmonstermel: One more detail pass tomorrow night and it's ready for weekend mold making 👌 #missmonster #missmonstermel #helmet
missmonstermel: Getting so close! #missmonster #missmonstermel #helmet
missmonstermel: Creepy goggle casts are here! They will be trimmed and mailed out to preorder customers next week! I still have blanks available in my shop- snap one up before they are gone 👍 #missmonster #missmonstermel #goggle
missmonstermel: The second wave of patches has landed! Sorted out the preorders and I have a few patches leftover- you can snap em up by going to the link in my profile. This is the last run I'm doing so hurry!
missmonstermel: Yay , casts are in the shop! Use the link in my profile to purchase one- hurry, they go fast! #missmonster #missmonstermel #chubnog #bullnog #arttoy
missmonstermel: I have a few little critters cast up! I think I will list them in my shop tomorrow ( Monday) at 3pm Pacific! #missmonster #missmonstermel #chubnog #craw #casttoy #arttoy
missmonstermel: More detailing ... #missmonster #missmonstermel #helm #donttellmewhatitlookslike #idontgiveashit
missmonstermel: More detailing ... #missmonster #missmonstermel #helm
missmonstermel: Goggle blanks are in the shop! These will ship sometime in May as this run has already been cast! Crazy! Please use the link in my profile to purchase one of these blanks. #missmonster #missmonstermel #goggles
missmonstermel: DIY goggles are up for pre-order! Please use the link in my profile to purchase these blanks. #missmonster #missmonstermel #goggles
missmonstermel: Been working on my wasteland cloak- this is the back panel waiting the be sewn on! #missmonster #missmonstermel #wastelandweekend #cloak
missmonstermel: Reminder! DIY dystopia goggle blanks will be up for preorder this Thursday the 4th at 4pm pacific time! Will also be selling a few finished goggles in May/June as I finish them. 👍 #missmonster #missmonstermel #goggles
missmonstermel: Here is the lit up horngazel prop! 👌 #trollhunters #prop #missmonster #missmonstermel
missmonstermel: I forgot i made this! This is a horngazel from Trollhunters! It lights up and glows in the dark- I'm going to cast another one to get the crystals color just a little less bright. Just made these for gifts and for myself , won't be selling them since it's
missmonstermel: Sculpting sculpting .... #missmonster #missmonstermel
missmonstermel: Working on a thing... #missmonster #missmonstermel
missmonstermel: Decided to cast my upcoming goggle release in dark chocolate - disclaimer: wearing in direct sun may result in melting eyewear... and ants. I kid, I kid! Doing this run cast in this dark colored semi-rigid urethane ( thank you @frankippolito ) #missmonste
missmonstermel: Working on a little something on my " off time" - I will be posting a bunch of process photos for this helmet on my Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/missmonster Pics will be posted on social media once it's a teensy bit more fleshed out 👍 #miss
missmonstermel: Ohhhh boy , Mutt:2's eggs hatched today- Happy birthday x 100000 😬 #jumpingspider #phiddipusregius #babiesuptheyingyang
missmonstermel: Since Anubot mask kits will finally begin to ship, I wanted to set a date for a goggle blank pre-order. ( These will not ship until after the Anubots are fulfilled! )Opens May 4th, 4 pm pacific! Pre-orders will be for BLANK do-it-yourself casts of these g
missmonstermel: Look at this beautiful photo that @xykobas3rd sent me of a patch and Bullnog! Thank you so much for this! #bullnog #missmonster #xykobas3rd
missmonstermel: Making a Wasteland weapon from an old fishing rod ( thank u @raptorlegs + fam) and just by luck- neighbor was tossing out and old hedge trimmer- PERFECT! Going to add shark teeth and wrapping too 👌#wastelandweekend #madmax #chopchop #missmonster
missmonstermel: Putting some time into adding on to my Wasteland costume ! #wastelandweekend #madmax
missmonstermel: A quick cat nap before I start the last part of the work day! #greencheekconure
missmonstermel: So Mutt:2 is going to be a mom, she's been camping out in her egg sac for awhile! Mutt:1 made herself a little spider hammock and is chilling. Why do I have two Mutts? Mutt:1 escaped - so I got another spider after crying like a little kid about it. Then
missmonstermel: Hello! I decided to do a preorder for these patches since so many people missed out. International customers should use the link in the patch listing for a reasonable shipping rate. Please use the link in my profile to purchase. These will ship in May. #m