MissKealoha: "I'm so smug!"
MissKealoha: Zoe the Annoyed
MissKealoha: Cat Ball
MissKealoha: "What are they doing over there?"
MissKealoha: "I see something!!!"
MissKealoha: Zoe on the Pier
MissKealoha: "What is that?"
MissKealoha: Zoe Close-Up
MissKealoha: Zoe in the Garden
MissKealoha: "My foot tastes great!"
MissKealoha: "I don't think this tastes right!"
MissKealoha: "My catnip! Get away!"
MissKealoha: The catnip begins to work...
MissKealoha: Bleck!
MissKealoha: Zoe Grooming 2
MissKealoha: Zoe Grooming
MissKealoha: Itchy Scratchy
MissKealoha: How Can They Bend Like That?
MissKealoha: Gotta Get Clean!
MissKealoha: Zoe Grooming his Arm
MissKealoha: "I'm tired now...."
MissKealoha: Staredown
MissKealoha: "I got it!"
MissKealoha: Arms Wide Open
MissKealoha: "You're MINE!!!"
MissKealoha: "It's MY toy!!!"