MissionControl: path down to the lake
MissionControl: rope draped on a driftwood tree stump
MissionControl: lakeside
MissionControl: Mom and Dad paddling
MissionControl: Gus and Max by the fire
MissionControl: aerial view of the neighborhood I grew up in, dusted with snow
MissionControl: Lady's furry kitty belly
MissionControl: smoke from last evening's cooking fire rises in the morning sunlight
MissionControl: Lady and Percy
MissionControl: rhododendron blossoms
MissionControl: mountain laurel buds
MissionControl: male mallards
MissionControl: Muddy Creek Falls
MissionControl: lake house
MissionControl: hummingbird at rest
MissionControl: hummingbird
MissionControl: Elk Run
MissionControl: roasting marshmallows
MissionControl: a pair of mallards
MissionControl: yuletide family photo
MissionControl: newly-spun spiderweb at the lakeshore
MissionControl: stargazing at the lake
MissionControl: wild mushrooms
MissionControl: flower
MissionControl: flower on the lakeshore
MissionControl: foxglove
MissionControl: life sprouts anew
MissionControl: coiled rope