MissionControl: Hagi Sightseeing Boats 萩八景遊覧船
MissionControl: Mount Shizuki 指月山
MissionControl: The Intertwining Pine Tree 連埋のマツ
MissionControl: wisteria pergola 藤棚
MissionControl: view from atop the ruins of Hagi Castle
MissionControl: gate leading to former Nashiba family tearoom 旧梨羽家茶室へ通じる門
MissionControl: tsukubai with a verdant stone lantern 青々石灯籠付きのつくばい
MissionControl: mossy tree trunk 苔状な木の幹
MissionControl: this stone lantern has seen better days この石灯籠にだってよい時代もあった。
MissionControl: extravagantly verdant Oribe-style stone lantern 青々織部灯籠
MissionControl: garden outside the former Nashiba family tearoom 旧梨羽家茶室の外にある露地
MissionControl: entrance to Hana-no-e Chatei 花江茶亭の入り口
MissionControl: iris garden しょうぶ園
MissionControl: Bansei Bridge 万歳橋
MissionControl: Oribe-style stone lantern with a hexagonal fire box 六角火袋付きの織部灯籠
MissionControl: another view of Bansei Bridge 他面から万歳橋
MissionControl: well donated by Motohiko Katori 楫取素彦寄進の井戸
MissionControl: Kasuga-style stone lantern 春日灯籠
MissionControl: Shizukiyama Shrine 志都岐山神社
MissionControl: Shizukiyama Shrine 志都岐山神社
MissionControl: phone booth by the iris garden しょうぶ園のそばに公衆電話ボックス
MissionControl: East Garden ("To-en") 東園
MissionControl: East Garden ("To-en") 東園
MissionControl: East Garden ("To-en") 東園
MissionControl: turtle basking in the sunlight 甲羅干しするカメ
MissionControl: East Garden ("To-en") 東園
MissionControl: hydrangea by a stone wall 石垣のそばにアジサイ
MissionControl: workers on the rocky shore of Hagi Bay on the east side of Mount Shizuki 指月山の東の方にある萩湾の磯に労働者
MissionControl: clouds over Kikugahama Beach 菊ヶ浜の上に雲
MissionControl: a bell at Kikugahama Beach 菊ヶ浜に鐘