MissionControl: part of shōjin ryōri 精進料理 lunch at Daitokuji Ikkyu 大徳寺一久
MissionControl: fancy hot pot
MissionControl: Tofu is served
MissionControl: tokusen tsujiri parfait 特選都路里パフェ
MissionControl: umbrella vending machine / a sudden rain / you will need help
MissionControl: matcha sparkling amazake is precisely as bad an idea as it sounds
MissionControl: 戦国の茶器 ガチャポン
MissionControl: aburimochi あぶり餅
MissionControl: amusingly Edwardian, gender-binary toilet slippers
MissionControl: view from my hotel room in Hiroshima
MissionControl: thanks for being environmentally friendly - have some water in a disposable plastic bottle!
MissionControl: Japan Rail "manners-animals" say, no dolphin-spreading!
MissionControl: And then I realize how this morning’s earthquake will affect me...
MissionControl: black sesame & kinako parfait 黒ごまときなこパルフェ
MissionControl: 駅弁!山陽新幹線40年物語 せとうち日和
MissionControl: I literally just learned the term 'airplane glory' while waiting for the flight where I saw this