MissionControl: fragrant honeysuckle
MissionControl: 色とりどいのレジャーシートの上に茶箱「花点前」 chabako hana temae on a colorful picnic blanket
MissionControl: 内製の花見団子 hanami dango I made
MissionControl: 茶箱「花点前」 chabako hana temae
MissionControl: tea in bowl made by Jeff Guerrero
MissionControl: 桜 cherry blossoms
MissionControl: tea in a cute little sakura bowl from Matcha Love
MissionControl: Jessica enjoys a bowl of tea under the sakura
MissionControl: Holden's first time whisking tea
MissionControl: Renée enjoys a bowl of tea
MissionControl: Holden serves his first bowl of tea
MissionControl: Holden served his first bowl of tea!
MissionControl: our hanami chabako picnic 私たちの花見茶箱のピクニック
MissionControl: trying to use chopsticks to get Pringles out of the can
MissionControl: root sprout cherry blossoms 蘖の桜
MissionControl: tired out after hanami 花見したのでへとへとに疲れた