MissionControl: komainu 狛犬 at Kibitsuhiko Shrine 吉備津彦神社
MissionControl: komainu 狛犬 at Kibitsuhiko Shrine 吉備津彦神社
MissionControl: turtles at Kibitsuhiko Shrine 吉備津彦神社
MissionControl: one of many great white egrets 大鷺 foraging in the rice paddies of rural Okayama
MissionControl: one of many great white egrets 大鷺 foraging in the rice paddies of rural Okayama
MissionControl: rice paddy in rural Okayama
MissionControl: bunches of onions hanging under an overhang
MissionControl: Byasa alcinous, commonly called the Chinese windmill ジャコウアゲハ
MissionControl: abandoned farm structure in rural Okayama
MissionControl: farmland in rural Okayama
MissionControl: irrigation canal lock
MissionControl: farmland in rural Okayama
MissionControl: rice paddy
MissionControl: scenery along the trail
MissionControl: bike path motif on side of fence posts
MissionControl: five-story pagoda at Bitchu Kokubunji 備中国分寺
MissionControl: bottom story of the pagoda at Bitchu Kokubunji 備中国分寺
MissionControl: another view of the five-story pagoda at Bitchu Kokubunji 備中国分寺
MissionControl: bell at Ko Shrine 荒神社 atop Tsukuriyama kofun (ancient burial mounds) 造山古墳
MissionControl: one more view of the five-story pagoda at Bitchu Kokubunji 備中国分寺
MissionControl: a peach tree, growing Okayama's iconic fruit
MissionControl: hydrangea 紫陽花
MissionControl: another egret
MissionControl: various crops
MissionControl: great egret 大鷺
MissionControl: rice transplanter 田植機