MissionControl: red maple leaves
MissionControl: mushrooms growing on a log
MissionControl: maitake a.k.a. hen-of-the-woods a.k.a. Grifola frondosa
MissionControl: insect-nibbled leaf
MissionControl: some sort of wild tomatoes
MissionControl: (wasps' or hornets'?) nest
MissionControl: holey tree trunk
MissionControl: looking at the constituents of granite
MissionControl: a snapshot of geologic history
MissionControl: porcelain berries
MissionControl: burl-y tree trunk
MissionControl: thick ivy vines on a tree trunk
MissionControl: rose hips
MissionControl: hickory nut
MissionControl: Jimson weed (Datura stramonium)
MissionControl: colorful leaves frame an upward view
MissionControl: orange foliage
MissionControl: granite with intrusions?
MissionControl: uprooted
MissionControl: wild grapes?
MissionControl: tree injury
MissionControl: closeup of tree injury
MissionControl: chunky bark
MissionControl: fungus on a cross section of tree trunk
MissionControl: closeup of stripey rock