MissionControl: me at the Thomas Edison memorial
MissionControl: Thomas Edison memorial at Iwashimizu Hachiman-gū 石清水八幡宮
MissionControl: hatsumōde 初詣 at Iwashimizu Hachiman-gū 石清水八幡宮
MissionControl: Yawatashi <--> Otokoyama funicular railway station
MissionControl: straw bales at Otokoyama
MissionControl: a tree-climbing tree
MissionControl: electric vehicle charging point in front of the Edison memorial
MissionControl: Thomas Edison ema 絵馬 from Iwashimizu Hachiman-gū 石清水八幡宮
MissionControl: Edison-tribute chashaku carved from Otokoyama 男山 bamboo